Now that summer is coming to an end and many of us feel like we'll miss our daily dose of sunshine, we thought we'd share some information about a skin condition that, more often than not, lasts all year and causes those who have it to revel in lesser sunshine hours.
What is Photosensitivity?
According to DermNet, Photosensitivity refers to various symptoms, diseases and conditions caused or aggravated by exposure to sunlight.
These reactions can range from a hot redness on the exposed area of skin, to severe rashes and papules that span large areas and are very itchy and uncomfortable to the sufferer. It can affect people of all ages and races and usually stems from both genetic and environmental factors including some medications. For some, the reactions can be activated by sunlight, indoor florescent lights or even their computer screen.
Minimizing the effects of photosensitivity
For many, there is no cure to photosensitivity but those living with the condition learn to manage it with careful sun avoidance and applying topical sunscreens even when indoors. In severe cases, the patient may be prescribed ointments to help alleviate itching, inflammation and infections.
Because of the published benefits of Fernblock in the skin, it can often be prescribed as a supplementary aid to help reduce the onset, duration and intensity of these skin conditions.
For example, a recent case study shows an 11-year-old girl suffering from a rare skin condition called, Actinic Prurigo.