Fernblock on Sun Allergies - Dr Gonzalez

Posted by Gina Russell on

The effectiveness of Fernblock, explained by an expert

Dr Salvador González , Accredited Professor and Associate Professor of Dermatology at the University of Alcalá and Advisor to the Dermatology Services of the Ramon Cajal Hospital, Madrid and the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York, USA, analyzed the efficacy of the Fernblock technology of Cantabria Labs to combat polymorphous light eruption (ELP). As he explains, "this condition depends on genetic susceptibility, environmental components and the type of exposure."

“In a study where 80 patients were included, Fernblock exerted an interesting effect marked by its antioxidant and immunomodulatory effects. Fernblock significantly reduced the skin reactions and subjective symptoms of this photodermatosis. In another research trial carried out in collaboration with other international groups, 35 patients with long-standing Polymorphous Light Eruption were included. Subjects were irradiated with UVB and UVA artificial light, receiving Fernblock orally after irradiation. Fernblock was administered for two weeks and a second series of irradiations was performed after one week while the patients continued to receive a constant dose of Fernblock ”.

"Fernblock significantly reduced the skin reactions and subjective symptoms of this photodermatosis."

“After the Fernblock treatment, 30% and 28% of the patients (first and second irradiation, respectively), did not respond to repeated exposure to UVA and UVB rays. In the remaining 70% and 72% of patients, the average number of UVA and UVB irradiations required to induce Polymorphous Light Eruption increased significantly ”.

“Interestingly, 74% of the patients treated with PL during the summer did not show lesions related to this photodematous. These results suggest that oral treatment with PL could be beneficial in preventing Polymorphous Light Eruption ”.

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